Tuesday, August 19, 2014

5 things I didn't expect in Law School

I'm only a week in, I know, but there are several things I truly didn't expect. I thought I would list them out so one day when I'm a lawyer, I can look back and reflect. But also to share for the sake of sharing and for those who are plan to one day go to law school. 

So without further adieu...

1. I DID NOT EXPECT TO have two of my four professors spend the majority of the first class having us introduce ourselves to the class.  However, it was great because we obviously got to learn about our peers, realize how
diverse we are, but appreciate that we all have a common goal.  Each professor also told us about him or her and that was helpful too!

2. I DID NOT EXPECT for the 2Ls and 3Ls to be so helpful and encouraging.  To be honest I went in with the assumption that the 2Ls and 3Ls would be busy with their courses, not pay attention to us, much less make us feel welcome.  However, EVERYONE is super helpful and EVERYONE wants us to succeed! I am sure this phenomena doesn't happen at every school though. I am sure some 2Ls and 3Ls have the "eww 1Ls" or "I'm better than you" attitude.  Luckily, at Tech Law that is not the case! Everyone from the professors, deans, faculty, staff (basically anyone that is in the building) wants us to succeed and is willing to help  us! 

3.  I DID NOT EXPECT fellow section mates to be so nice. I assumed that since we are competing for a grade on a curve, that the students would be judgmental and self focused, however I have an awesome section. It seems that we operate under this ... Cue the music... 
"We're all in this together" idea which is great. Obviously as time continues we will still be striving for the best grades but I think the friendliness and respect will continue! 

4. I DID NOT EXPECT references to  Mikey Mouse and Donald Duck to be contained in any of my law books. 

5. I DID NOT EXPECT to get sick during my first week. Note to self : stressful times = weakend immune system...take care of yourself by eating right, exersizing, etc! 

Thanks again to everyone who has wished me well and prayed with me! I am truly blessed to be surrounded by people like you all. 

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you! Good luck and I pray you will never be discouraged!!
