Shortly after waking up Braylon exclaimed "it's your burfday mama.... You three yayyyyy!!!" (He thinks everyone is two like him so apparently I am three since I had a birthday haha.) after I told him I was actually twenty two he has been telling me "yay momma your two two". Which reminds me, I was thinking 22 was still pretty young until a little one at church told me "wow your going to be 22 on Sunday but 21 today" (this was earlier in the week) I said yes that's right! And he said "wow so you have already been 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 and now you will be 22 that's cool! I have only been 1 2 3 and will be 4 next. 22 never sounded so old until he counted up to it!
But then I began to think how awesome it is that I have lived for 22 years, experienced life for 22 years. It's pretty awesome, so many memories. I started to reminisce, Looking through photo albums, recalling stories, telling Braylon some of them. Going back and seeing how God had worked in my life from placing me into my parents loving arms at a 7 days old, being raised in church, proclaiming Christ as my Lord and savior, stumbling and being dusted off, graduating high school, being blessed with a healthy handsome son, getting engaged, graduating undergrad, being accepted into my first choice law school.... Knowing God has been beside me every step of the way, and not knowing what all he has planned for my future but knowing that he has a plan for my life, a purpose.... Wow!!! What an awesome feeling.
Then suddenly, I came to a realization. One that I have always known, but for some reason effected me differently than it had before. Out of the the 8,030 days I have been on this earth, the 694 252 371
Seconds I have been spent living.... Only one thing that I have done matters! The moment I chose to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. The graduations, the accomplishments, the material possessions, don't truly matter! The decision I made long ago does! It will get me and you, if you make the decision, to eternal life with our Creator!
The rest of the day has been spent lounging around with family, watching movies, and relaxing! I opened my birthday present from my parents and fiancé! .... A kitchenaid mixer!!!! I am so excited to use it,(DJ is just as excited... It was a win-win situation for him...happy fiancé and a gift that gives back!) So later tonight I am thinking that I am going to make some homemade chocolate chip cookies! Yummay! Today has been great, and it's not even over!
A special thank you to this who have called, texted, posted on my wall, messaged me, or sent a card! I am blessed with amazing friends and family!